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Installing ROS on Dedicated ROS Computer (Skip if using Docker Environment)

In this tutorial, we will use ROS Galactic, which supports Ubuntu Linux (Focal Fossa -20.04) 64-bit. It also supports other operating systems, but the installation on those operating systems is not as straightforward as on the Linux environment. See Installation page for detail.

Please follow Installation page.

Building dVRK packages

Specific instruction to build the dVRK packages for ROS2 Galactic are available here:

Please note that the following build process may require a large memory space. If it fails, consider limiting the number of processes using the ‘–parallel-workers’ option.

Install Moveit! Packages

The tutorial uses Moveit! to compute trajectories of the Patient Side Manipulator (PSM). In particular, the move_group is used to compute Cartesian paths. To install MoveIt! packages use the command

sudo apt-get install ros-galactic-moveit*

Install ISMR 2023 specific packages

This package will serve as in intermediate for converting a pose array sent from Slicer to a service request to the move_group node. Followig this, it sends the resulting trajectory to the dVRK actionlib server to execute the trajectory.

cd ~/ros2_ws
git clone src/ismr23
git clone src
colcon build
source install/setup.bash

pp Starting move_group with the PSM ——————————–

To start the move_group node that is configured for the PSM try the following commands

cd ~/ros2_ws
source install/setup.bash
ros2 launch ismr23

This should bring up the PSM with the MoveIt! Rviz plugin. You can use CTRL-C in your terminal.

Starting the ros2_control for the PSM

The execution of the trajectory is mananaged by ROS2 control. To start ROS control try the following commands