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Slicer Scene

If you didn’t complte the planning process on 3D Slicer, download the planning scene from the following link

Launch a fake UR10 on RViz

To bring up a fake UR10, try the following commands from a terminal

cd  workspace/ros_ur_driver
source install/setup.bash
ros2 launch ros2_igtl_bridge

Load a spine model on Rviz

On the RViz window:

  • Under the “MotionPlanning” section, open “Scene Object”
  • Click the “Import” button.
  • Select “/root/workspace/ros_ur_driver/src/Universal_Robots_ROS2_Driver/scene/spine.scene” and click “Open”.
  • Click the “Publish” button.

Run a ros2_igtl_bridge

Open a new terminal and run the following commands:

$ cd workspace/ros_ur_driver
$ source install/setup.bash
$ ros2 run ros2_igtl_bridge igtl_node

When the node prompt to enter the type, choose ‘SERVER’ (option 1):

Please type <1> or <2> to run node as OpenIGTLink client or server

Then, the node asks for a socket port. Enter 18944:

Input socket port:

Connect 3D Slicer to ROS

Once the ROS nodes become ready, open 3D Slicer (if has not been opened yet), and open the OpenIGTLinkIF module (Modules menu-> “IGT” -> “OpenIGTLinkIF”). Then create a new node by clicking the “+” button under the “Connectors” list, and configure it from the “Properties” section as follows:

  • Name: “IGTLConnector” (default)
  • Type: “Client” (default)
  • Status: Leave unchecked (default)
  • MRMLNodeAlgorithm: Leave unchecked
  • Hostname: localhost (if Docker is used) or the IP of the ROS machine (for non-Docker environment)
  • Port: 28944 (if Docker is used with “-p 28944:18944” option) or 18944 (default for non-Docker environment)

After configuring the connector, click the “Active” checkbox. If the 3D Slicer is successfully connected to ros2_igtl_bridge, the status field on the connector list of the OpenIGTLinkIF will show “ON.”

Send Entry and Target Points

Define entry and target points on 3D Slicer:

  • Open the “Markups” module
  • Define an entry point
    • Under “Create Markups”, click “Point List”
    • Click an entry point on the image.
    • Under “Node”, click the name of the newly created point (e.g., “F”) and rename it to “Entry”
    • Under “Control Points”, click the name of the point (e.g., “F-1”) and rename it to “Entry”
  • Define an target point
    • Under “Create Markups”, click “Point List”
    • Click a target point on the image.
    • Under “Node”, click the name of the newly created point (e.g., “F_2”) and rename it to “Target”
    • Under “Control Points”, click the name of the point (e.g., “F_2-1”) and rename it to “Target”

Then send them to ROS using OpenIGTLink.

  • Open the “OpenIGTLinkIF” module (“IGT”-> “OpenIGTLinkIF”)
  • Under the “I/O COnfiguration” section
    • Click “Scene”->IGTLConnecctor1”->”OUT”
    • Select “Target” from the node selector menu below I/O configuration and click “ + “.
    • Click the “Send” button.
    • Select “Entry” from the node selector menu below I/O configuration and click “ + “.
    • Click the “Send” button.

At this point, the robot model on RViz should start moving to the entry point and then to the target point (in the spine model).