ISMR21 > Testing OpenIGTLink Communication Between Slicer and ROS
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Starting ros2_igtl_bridge
(See Setting Up ROS 2 Environment for Tutorial if you are using the Docker image provided for this tutorial.)
Open two terminal windows. On the first one, run the igtl_node with the following steps:
$ cd workspace/ros_ur_driver
$ source install/setup.bash
$ ros2 run ros2_igtl_bridge igtl_node
When the node prompt to enter the type, choose ‘SERVER’ (option 1):
Please type <1> or <2> to run node as OpenIGTLink client or server
Then, the node asks for a socket port. Enter 18944
Input socket port:
Please note that, if you have followed the Docker instruction, TCP port 18944
is mapped to TCP port 28944
on the host OS. Other programs on the host OS can connect to the igtl_host running on this Docker image through TCP port 28944
On the second terminal window, run the igtl_test_publisher with the following steps:
$ cd workspace/ros_ur_driver
$ source install/setup.bash
$ ros2 run ros2_igtl_bridge igtl_test_publisher
will start pushing messages immediately.
Setting up 3D Slicer OpenIGTLink and Receive Messages from ROS
Once the ROS nodes become ready, open 3D Slicer (if has not been opened yet), and open the OpenIGTLinkIF module (Modules menu-> “IGT” -> “OpenIGTLinkIF”). Then create a new node by clicking the “+” button under the “Connectors” list, and configure it from the “Properties” section as follows:
- Name: “IGTLConnector” (default)
- Type: “Client” (default)
- Status: Leave unchecked (default)
- MRMLNodeAlgorithm: Leave unchecked
- Hostname: localhost (if Docker is used) or the IP of the ROS machine (for non-Docker environment)
- Port: 28944 (if Docker is used with “-p 28944:18944” option) or 18944 (default for non-Docker environment)
After configuring the connector, click the “Active” checkbox. If the 3D Slicer is successfully connected to ros2_igtl_bridge
, the status field on the connector list of the OpenIGTLinkIF will show “ON.”
3D Slicer is supposed to receive the following messages:
- test_point (Markups Fiducial)
- test_string (String)
- test_transform (Linear Transform)
- test_pose_array (IGTLTrackingDataSplitter)
1-3 appears on the Data
module with the same names. test_pose_array
is split into individual poses (POSE_0
, POSE_1
, …, POSE_4
) and appears as four separate linear transform nodes on the Data